Printing on metal ceilings and flush-mounted luminaires

The printing on our metal ceilings, metal wall claddings and flush-mounted luminaires opens up creative opportunities for customising architectural features. Textures, motifs or inscriptions – our dur-GRAPHICS print motifs create architectural accents. As well as metal and DUROSATIN,  the plastic or glass cover of flush-mounted ceilings can also be printed.

We use optimal templates to get the best possible printing results. When selecting motifs and/or resolution of the template, pay attention to the distance between product and observer. If for example a texture is too fine, it may not be possible due to distance to achieve sufficient visual resolution, causing it simply to look like a coloured surface. That is why motifs and textures can also be more powerful and with greater contrast to give the metal ceilings and flush-mounted luminaires the desired character.

With durlum printing, you can create a special atmosphere in the room. Our range of motifs and textures comprises pictures of frequently used materials such as wood or concrete. Also, should you wish to have a special texture, we would be delighted to print it for you.

> datasheet dur-GRAPHICS